setwd("C:/Users/Lisa/Dropbox/CSUMB stats class") library("BRugs") normlin2aout <- function(postB1, postB2, postB0, postvar, min_x1, max_x1, min_x2, max_x2,seedstart){ set.seed(seedstart) tlout <- matrix(nrow=1,ncol=7) colnames(tlout) <- c("x1","low025","high975","ave","med50","sd","mode") tmperror <- rnorm(n = length(postB0), mean = 0, sd = sqrt(postvar)) x2samp <- runif(n = length(postB0), min_x2,max_x2) for(x1 in min_x1:max_x1){ tlsamp <- (postB1*x1) + (postB2*x2samp) +postB0 tlsamp <- tlsamp + tmperror tmp <- hist(tlsamp,breaks=100,plot=FALSE) tlquant <- quantile(tlsamp,probs=c(0.025,0.5,0.975),na.rm=TRUE) # tlout[(x-min_x+1),1] <- x1 # tlout[(x-min_x+1),2] <- tlquant[1] # tlout[(x-min_x+1),3] <- tlquant[3] # tlout[(x-min_x+1),4] <- mean(tlsamp,na.rm=TRUE) # tlout[(x-min_x+1),5] <- tlquant[2] # tlout[(x-min_x+1),6] <- sd(tlsamp) # tlout[(x-min_x+1),7] <- mean(tmp$mids[tmp$density==max(tmp$density)]) # OR--------------------------------------------- tmp <- c(x1, tlquant[1], tlquant[3], mean(tlsamp,na.rm=TRUE), tlquant[2], sd(tlsamp), mean(tmp$mids[tmp$density==max(tmp$density)])) if(x1 == min_x1){ tlout[1,] <- tmp }else{ tlout <- rbind(tlout,tmp) } } tlout } # Setting the range for which to sample the dependent variable. # This will depend on the range of your data. minX1 = min(momblubber) maxX1 = max(momblubber) minX2 = min(storm) maxX2 = max(storm) # Estimate Y. Just use the first chain results. LinRegPosteriorX1 <- normlin2aout(postB1 = Para_OutLinReg$beta1[,1], postB2 = Para_OutLinReg$beta2[,1], postB0 = Para_OutLinReg$beta0[,1], postvar = (1/Para_OutLinReg$tau[,1]), min_x1 = minX1, max_x1 = maxX1, min_x2 = minX2, max_x2 = maxX2, seedstart = 46552) # Plot the results with the data. par(mfcol = c(nrow=1,ncol=1)) par(mar = c(4.0,4.0,0.5,0.5)) par(ps = 14) par(oma=c(1.5,1.5,1,1)) plot(X,Y, xlab = "Independent variable", ylab = "Dependent variable") lines(x = LinRegPosterior[,1], y = LinRegPosterior [,4],col = "blue",lwd=3) lines(x = LinRegPosterior[,1], y = LinRegPosterior [,2],col = "blue",lwd=3,lty="dashed") lines(x = LinRegPosterior[,1], y = LinRegPosterior [,3],col = "blue",lwd=3,lty="dashed") #------------------------------------------------------------------ # Another way to run the model that will give you DIC, but you can't # play with posterior samples. BRugsFit(modelFile = "LinRegmodel.txt", data = "linregdata.txt", inits = c("lri1.txt", "lri2.txt", "lri3.txt", "lri4.txt", "lri5.txt"), numChains = 5, parametersToSave = c("beta0", "beta1", "tau"), nBurnin = 15000, nIter = 15000, nThin = 20, coda = FALSE, DIC = TRUE, = NULL, digits = 5, seed=NULL, BRugsVerbose = getOption("BRugsVerbose"))